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    With over 1 billion users, Facebook has grown from a social network that was once virtually unknown to most people around the world to a tool that we use almost every day of our lives. Mark Zuckerberg created a platform that has shown us just how easy it is to keep in touch with friends and family. But with this growth, our data has become more vulnerable than ever before.

    Facebook is one of the worst social media platforms when it comes to tracking. They log everything you do on the app, such as who you are friends with, groups you are part of, ads you have clicked, and they even know your location. All of this data allows Facebook to build a profile of your interests. This is then used to show you targeted ads for products in an attempt to make you more likely to click on them.

    The social network has been following your every move on the internet for years. In fact, you can't even browse the web without being tracked by Facebook. It uses the information collected from your device to create targeted advertisements, which it then sells to advertisers. Many websites use what is known as the "Meta pixel." This is a small piece of code designed to collect data from users of a website. It collects your IP address, information about your web browser, HTTP Referer, button click data, and, in some cases, your email address.

    As well as the Meta Pixel, the Facebook "Like" or "Share" buttons are also used to track your activity online. These buttons tell Facebook what websites you have visited and what you are interested in, and just like the data collected inside the app, Facebook tracks everything you do online because it needs to know what you like so it can sell ads against those things. If someone likes chocolate, they'll see ads for chocolate products; if someone likes sports cars, they'll see ads for sports cars; if someone likes music festivals or travel destinations, they'll see ads for those things too. It's all based on what you've liked on Facebook and where you've been online with your phone or computer.

    The sad reality is that this isn't going away anytime soon. All the tech giants are harvesting your information without your knowledge, and it is only going to get worse if nothing is done. This is why you should care. Facebook is actively building profiles of over 2 billion people, and odds are you are one of them. It is time to take back your online privacy.

This page is constantly being updated, so come back later for more tips.